Sonntag, November 20

technological downfalls.

this one is for noah.
today i went to kinko's to complete some paper cutting and photo-copying needs for work. There were a few other customers, and all of us were busy at our stations, completing tasks of sorts and concentrating hard on picking paper tray sizes for the copier. suddenly, this quite dapper older gentleman comes through the door, and stands there a moment. suddenly he raises his fist into a little fist-pump-in-the-air position and declares, "rubbish!"
we all begin to look his way.
"all technology is complete rubbish!"
he continues to declare the demons of advancement, as we all try hard to continue on with our tasks. It was rather humoring, although i did feel like I was Luther and the church had just discovered I translated the Bible to read-able texts. What was simple convenience for me made me destined for hell is his eyes.


At 10:41 AM, Blogger noah! said...

one time i had a guy throw the copy card at me while he cursed "those damn newfangled computer systems!"

At 12:06 PM, Blogger Allison said...

Old people are so funny. This guy sounds like a hoot! How are you Nina? If I don't talk to you until later I hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving.

At 10:58 AM, Blogger nina said...

i bet it was the same guy, too.

At 4:19 PM, Blogger noah! said...

maybe you should update your blog.


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