Dienstag, Dezember 16

Why I am a klutz.

3:30AM- Alarm goes off, hit snooze button. Knock the glass of water off my nightstand, soaking my bed and floor.

3:39AM- Alarm goes off again. Get out of bed, trip over cat. Cat is not happy, and neither is my ankle.

4AM- Burn myself with curling iron.

4:25AM- Walk up to store front where my other opener is waiting. Not paying attention to where I am going, trip on sidewalk step, stumble into door. My barista laughs at me.

9:15AM- On lunch break. Sitting at desk. Not taking chances.

10:20AM- Slip on spilled coffee running to the backroom for lids. Customers gasp "OH!". Brusing on hip ensues.

11:30AM- Stocking front bar fridge with milk. Stand up right as barista is reaching over my head to set a cup on the counter. Ram the top of my head right into his very pointy elbow. Headache ensues.

12:15PM- Standing on ladder, putting coffee cambro high on a shelf. Lid falls off, hits me on head. Supervisor catches me before falling off ladder. Another headache.

12:16PM- Replace lid to cambro, set back on shelf, lid falls off AGAIN. More headache.

12:45PM- Opening cardboard boxes, skin my knuckles.

12:48PM- Opening bags of salt for water softening system, get salt in knuckle wounds. PAIN.

1PM- Boss comes into my store. Asks how day is going. Team giggles and relays my accidents of the day. Supervisor informs Boss "Nina would find a way to hurt herself if she was locked in a padded room."

Dienstag, Dezember 9

Countdown continues!

Today we find out if Kenny comes home on leave early. One of his cadres told him yesterday that instead of sending everybody to their AIT schools for a week, they will probably just send everybody on leave this Friday. Which means he would be home a week early. Which means party time.

When I started dating Kenny, I had a revelation. In dating somebody in the military, I realized I knew absolutely nothing about the military. Nothing. So in order to educate myself on what this lifestyle meant and what he was doing each day, I became completely addicted to goarmy.com.

Now I am an expert. To the point where we will be having a conversation and I will correct him. Sample:

(Kenny): I think my BAH allowance starts once I graduate from AIT school.

(Me): No it can start immeadiately, but since you don't have dependants, your rate will be different as an E-3.

Kenny's parents have also been amazing in helping me understand "military life". They are just amazing in general. We went out for Mexican food and ice cream the other night in downtown sac and it was seriously such a fun night out!

I appreciate the fact that I am with somebody who truly values me for me. Last night I asked my republican soldier boyfriend "Did you ever think you would be dating a democrat who voted for Obama?" and he said "That is something I completely respect and appreciate about you."

It is so good to be able to be yourself.

Montag, Dezember 8

it may be the two beers i just drank....

tonight i have youtubed several country music videos, including:

carrie underwood (seriously just about everything...)
rascall flatts (God bless the broken road)
brad paisley (whom i have a ridiculous crush on)
old crow medicine crow (another ridiculous crush. on the whole band.)
Other than old crow medicine show (who are AMAZING) I can't explain this behavior.

also? I have been googling random things. like paul rudd (again. ridiculous crush.) Here are some of the reasons i like paul rudd:

big secret pizza partys.
the scene in clueless where his character is listening to radiohead.
because he was mike on friends. FRIENDS!
the hair and mustache he sported in anchorman.
and on that note? bits of real panther.

Donnerstag, Dezember 4

Top 5 for today.

Any Jen Lancaster book.
(Sorry fellas, this is completely chick lit. Girls, start with Bitter is the New Black. The funniest, bitchiest bio I have ever read. Completely modern, completely relatable.)

2. Brew:
Celebration Ale by Sierra Nevada.
(Why does this season generate such great beer? I love seasonals, but Winter always seems to bring out the best ales. yum.)

3. Music:
Day and Age by the Killers. um, and just about anything country.
(I'm not really sure how this country phase started, but it may have something to do with me watching the CMA's last month. and liking it. a lot. like really really liking it. I love grass roots and folk, and now it turns out i like country. and I am FINE with that.)

4. Movie:
(I love this movie. I love that at Christmas I can watch it a lot because it is so season appropriate. I watched it twice in one day last week. because I kind of had nothing to do that day but clean house so I kept it rolling in the background for 4 hours.)

5. Countdown:
December 19th.
(Kenny comes home on leave! Too ridiculously excited!!! YIPPEE!)

Donnerstag, November 27

Here's to homies on lock for insider trading.