Montag, September 26

the irony of trying to be responsible.

last week, dan was in a car accident that was not of his own fault. sadly, he does not have full coverage and the other insurance company has not yet done anything to fix his vehicle. so we have been sharing my car. i was thinking about how with my own luck, i should upgrade my own insurance to full coverage instead of just comp and collision.

friday morning i woke up early and took my cat to the vet, and then went to my own doctor's appointment (routine check-up). then, after i leave said doctor's office, i head towards my car insurance agent's office. heading north on hilltop, i am traveling with traffic at the speed of 40 miles per hour. as i am passing by banner real estate (otherwise known as "the castle") a 2002ish black mustang convertible with dealer plates (registered for a dealer, not a test drive dealer vehicle mind you) with a 19 looking year old male driver and young girl as passenger comes into vision. clearly, the gentleman behind the wheel should not have had access to this car. the driver, waiting at "the castle" to pull into on-coming traffic and travel south, guns the gas and pulls directly in front of me giving me approximately 5 feet into which i can slam on my brakes and stop. after i have (with full momentum) crashed through the vehicle, the driver throws the car into reverse, turns around and flees the scene.
the cops have not yet located the jerk responsible for the accident, and after paying for a second doctor's appointment, and x-rays of my spine, i now do not have enough money to make rent on the first of the month.

i am feeling very screwed this week.


At 3:11 PM, Blogger noah! said...

yikes. that is a bummer. i find the best way to deal with these things is to laugh at them.

At 10:50 PM, Blogger Allison said...

Hey Nina-
I am so sorry to hear about that. I hope you are feeling better.
Did you get Friends back? If you're feeling sad or hurt-call me and I'll come over and try to cheer you up! Love ya!

At 12:11 PM, Blogger lindsay anne said...

man, that all sounds really not pleasant. I am sorry!


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