Mittwoch, Oktober 26

perfect weather

its been a perfect morning. It has been raining solidly since last night, which makes the river all misty and the skies all perfectly white and grey. and the leaves are all colorful and fiery along the river bed, which is perfect for watching while you drink a cup of tea. i am going to make french toast now. i love this weather, it is inspiring me to crawl back into bed.


At 8:15 PM, Blogger Allison said...

I know-this weather is crazy! It's been near impossible to get out of bed. So you should be happy to know you shouldn't be seeing me in your Sbucks anymore with my creepy now former boss. I have an interesting story to tell you about that! Yikes!

At 11:39 PM, Blogger noah! said...

i miss that weather. in LA when it rains it just floods.

At 5:33 PM, Blogger Matt Pool said...

you don't even understand how much i love redding winters. it's depressing me to think about how much i miss it. give yourself and those roomies a big squeeze from me. really, do it.


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