Mittwoch, April 25


Today I am 26 years old. Yippee.

So the last two months have held some changes, and one of the reasons I am never on here. A month ago, I moved downtown to my own little two bedroom house that is so fantastic I can barely stand it! Me and my cat. Amy gets married in June, but I was ready to go and found the perfect place. I love living on my own, its quiet and clean and reassuring to know that when I leave my house, I will return to it in the exact same state I left it in. I don't have internet yet, but living downtown means I am in walking distance to Breaking New Grounds coffee shop, where I can get on the web for free. Yay for that! I may have a roommate for a bit, a friend who needs a place for awhile, but that would be great because she is fabulous, and I could use the money right now.
For almost two weeks, however, I have been housesitting (babysitting) for my dad and stepmom, because they are in France and Malta visiting my sister. So i have been taking care of a horse, two great danes, three fat cats, a gold fish and a sixteen year old. Heidi and I are both so busy that we are hardly home except to sleep, but its been fun. We went out all day Saturday and caught a movie, shopped and ate out. Good times. But I am so looking forward to going home. I just moved in, I'd like to enjoy it. I have to drive over everyday to make sure my cat is fed and that my plants aren't all dying (which they are.)
I am on my way to Carnegie's for birthday lunch with my mom and Graham. We will also be back tonight for pint night, my favorite :)
So probably the biggest thing for me right now is pursuing job development and change with Starbucks. I am coming up on 7 years in the stores, and I am looking to move onto a job in a Regional Office here in the future. I know I am closing in on store burn-out, and I don't ever want to be that kind of manager. I would love to go into Marketing, and there are some things opening in Chicago, so I've made some contacts on that to check it out, we'll see. I had fun in that city. I also applied recently to be on what is called a "Star Team" which is a team that goes and open stores in Cross-cultural markets. I have applied to go to India, and help with store openings in Dehli. I qualify almost completely, but don't meet a couple of requirements. I am hoping my degree and experience will give me an in, so I'm not getting my hopes up, but I sure would love to go! It would be for almost a month.
That's that.


At 12:01 PM, Blogger Selena said...

i like your blogs they're very interesting to read! (:

At 4:36 PM, Blogger noah! said...

i'm going to have to agree with kornxkreep and say your blogs are very interesting. very interesting indeed.

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Nate said...

happy late birthday!


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