Sonntag, Februar 25

bus ride. or lacking.

Today's funny story, or "nina incident".

My car is going to be in the shop until next weekend while they get the radiator and head gasket replaced (not my fault) and any other problems they uncover (and, inevitably, they will) so I have been hitching rides from friends and family all week. Sundays are busy days for everyone I know, so I decided this would be a good day to figure out how to use "RABA", Redding's bus system. I got out my phone book and looked it up since I had no idea where to even find it. The map was kind of confusing, but I got the information I needed.

The closest bus stop to the manor is a ways away toward Cypress and Hemsted, but a nice walk. I needed to go pick some stuff at my store, so I figured it would be pretty easy to get downtown. I got my backpack together (to carry all the stuff) and started my trek. It's been pretty nice all day, so I wore flip flops. Mistake number one. Not fun to walk long distances in.

I finally got to the bust stop and checked out the map. The number 5 goes right downtown so I was really excited and sat down on the little bench to wait, backpack on my lap. I sat. and I waited. I made some phone calls. And then I waited some more. And so I was staring at the bus stop sign, when I realized it said "Monday through Friday, 630am to 730pm. Saturday, 930am to 730pm."

And no mention of Sundays.

How on earth did I miss this little gem of information? I even looked in the frickin phone book.

So I kept on walking down the street, deciding I would go to a grocery store. I stopped at this great little Indo China market, and got some fun stuff I haven't seen since I lived in China, so I was really excited about that. Then I went to Raley's and got a bunch of groceries. Then I had to stuff them all in my back pack and carry them home. I got a lot of heavy stuff. It was a really long walk back. All in all humorous and not successful.


At 7:12 PM, Blogger noah! said...

thats so crazy.


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