Dienstag, Januar 30

i love ponies.

my blog would be worlds more interesting if i only new how to post pictures. help me.

life is simple and beautiful these days.
i am horseback riding a lot, dressage mostly. I have at least three shows I have commited to competing in late spring, which i am so totally stoked for! I got new, beautiful tall black leather riding boots today, and i love them.
i am still recovering from when i ditched going at a full gallop last month. When I landed on the railroad ties framing our arena, I split my elbow, fractured my wrist, bruised my legs and bloodied my back. it was ridiculously painful, but i was riding within 2 weeks. I am still waiting for my wrist to heal.

the weather here has been like early spring, in the sixties and sunny. very much lake weather if the lake weren't so damn cold and low.... i would be there.....

I am going through one of those phases where I really love my job. I am hoping this lasts. I have to drive to Sacramento tomorrow for a meeting, but I am excited for it. I will get to see Sam! yay for that!!

Amy and I have been living it up lushfully. Good roommate-drinking-times...

Things I love right now:
Horses and barn chores.
sunshine and crisp air.
Jessica and Nancy. and their willingness to drive me to the airport at 2am!
pomegranate martinis.
Graham living in Redding.
Friends who kidnap you.

Things I miss right now:
Southern California.
My frinds outside of Redding who I rarely see.
coffee. (I cut back. it's been hell.)
Noah living in Redding.
Road tripping.

In other news, Amy is getting married in June and I have no idea what I am doing when she does. There are no roommates left in Redding. It's a small town, and you've all either moved or gotten married. Maybe I will move back down South... I've been thinking about it.