Mittwoch, Oktober 26

perfect weather

its been a perfect morning. It has been raining solidly since last night, which makes the river all misty and the skies all perfectly white and grey. and the leaves are all colorful and fiery along the river bed, which is perfect for watching while you drink a cup of tea. i am going to make french toast now. i love this weather, it is inspiring me to crawl back into bed.

Mittwoch, Oktober 19

my little monster

i have a cat named sophie. she is my little monster.
i live on the second floor of my apartment complex, and i think its cruel to keep an animal locked up like that in a space where she has no entry to the outdoors. she loves running around on the deck, so i let her do that all day.

yesterday, i went out and bought her a leash and a harness.
so now she can ride around in my car and we can go to the park and things.
this is how boring my life has been lately. this is the most exciting thing i have to talk about.

although, today i hired elana sawyer to come work at my store and i am WAY excited about that.

Sonntag, Oktober 9


tagged by miss two bird.

10 Years Ago: i was 14 years old and a freshman in high school. like lindsay, i started out wearing jeans, solid shirts and flannels everyday. then i moved into my mxpx, ghoti hook phase and fell in love with converse. i ended the year by discovering the cure and fell in love with the color black.

5 Years ago: i was in my sophomore year of college. i lived with melissa hendrix (nee windall) in by far the coolest dorm room i have ever lived in. whenever i think of the best of college, i think of this year, before so many friends left. sara, jon, johnny and i were unseperable and created the greatest spring break ever, camping in carpinteria in Santa Barabara, and learning you can't cook scrambled eggs on an open flame. i apprenticed for worship ministries and started working for starbucks. i was snowboarding five times a week and playing soccer. this was all pre-car accident.

1 Year Ago: i was living in seattle, frequenting cafe ladro and kerry park. and i was contemplating the move back to redding. i was terrified of moving and starting over yet once again, and i was scared of what i was giving up. i put in my two weeks, rented a moving van, and started this blog shortly upon returning to redding.

Yesterday: i went with my family to watch my uncle Tom be inducted into the Chico State Athletic Hall of Fame, for both soccer and basketball. After 35 years, he still holds two records for being a Keeper in Soccer. Graham came down, and it was really great to be with family.

5 Snacks I Enjoy: potato skins, all cheesy and bacony. peach sorbet. potstickers. popsicles. pumpkin creme cheese muffins. (i don't know why all my favorite snacks start with "p". I just now realized it, and i find it rather odd.)

5 Songs I Know All the Words To: any and every song by the cure. lets specify with letter to elise and just like heaven. mineral's parking lot. dylan's a hard rains-a gonna fall. ben harper's forever. brighteyes bowl of oranges.

5 Things I’d Do with 100 Million Dollars: pay of student loans. travel the world. invest and become a philanthropist. buy property in malta. create funding to rescue the invisible children of Africa.

5 Places I’d Run Away To: London, Lijiang, Seattle, Monaco and Paris

5 Things I’d Never Wear: Uggs and mini skirts. tanktops with rhinestones on them. platform shoes. feathered bangs.

5 Favorite TV Shows: Friends. The OC. thats it.

5 Biggest Joys: The first fall rain when the leaves are changing color. discovering new music. my little brother theo laughing. being with someone who knows you so well. solitude with God.

5 Favorite Toys: my baby pink espresso machine. my polaroid camera. my get away vehicle. my restaraunt bar blender and my taylor.

Folks to tag: I think everyone i know has been tagged, so lets stick with noah, becca and allison