Donnerstag, Dezember 4

Top 5 for today.

Any Jen Lancaster book.
(Sorry fellas, this is completely chick lit. Girls, start with Bitter is the New Black. The funniest, bitchiest bio I have ever read. Completely modern, completely relatable.)

2. Brew:
Celebration Ale by Sierra Nevada.
(Why does this season generate such great beer? I love seasonals, but Winter always seems to bring out the best ales. yum.)

3. Music:
Day and Age by the Killers. um, and just about anything country.
(I'm not really sure how this country phase started, but it may have something to do with me watching the CMA's last month. and liking it. a lot. like really really liking it. I love grass roots and folk, and now it turns out i like country. and I am FINE with that.)

4. Movie:
(I love this movie. I love that at Christmas I can watch it a lot because it is so season appropriate. I watched it twice in one day last week. because I kind of had nothing to do that day but clean house so I kept it rolling in the background for 4 hours.)

5. Countdown:
December 19th.
(Kenny comes home on leave! Too ridiculously excited!!! YIPPEE!)


At 11:34 AM, Blogger amy coverdale said...

2 weeks :) you excited?

At 5:18 PM, Blogger nina said...

So excited. ridiculously.

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Allison said...

I am so jealous of you. no fair. p.s. i used to make fun of taylor swift, but my 6th grade girls kind of have me hooked. it's embarassing.


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