Mittwoch, April 13

my attempt to revive my blog

i love this week.
i had coffee with the girls on sunday.
i actually really liked church. sometimes i go to church expecting it to suck.
worship on sunday night at refuge was awesome.
karley, i love you. i had so much fun talking to you on sunday.
karley, allison, the sass and i at lim's. nick, right side of the menu, right side.
my sister natalie and i are going to buy some sort of bungalo dwelling on the island of malta.
i love james chapter 5. it reminds me that i have a purpose.
do you ever feel that if we could only accept our identity as children of the King life would become simpler, as God intended it?
i am seriously considering looking into doing my dts again. i am getting ridiculously restless. i want to be serving God... somewhere with some purpose.
i am committed to playing guitar for a minimum of one hour a day every day.
life is pretty wonderful right now.
i miss all you friends.
noah, i can't wait for you to come home.


At 12:23 PM, Blogger Allison said...

I am going to call you tonight about Saturday! Sounds like a blast. We could watch Friends ALL night long and then go to coffee in the morning! Hooray!!! I love you Nina!

At 10:52 AM, Blogger Robert Micallef said...

Nice Blog!. Good luck with your Malta venture!

Malta on the web:


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