Samstag, Februar 5

back to life.

today i entered back into the world of the real people.
i can't remember ever being this sick for this long before. Having the flu for so long and being so loopy because of it, my reality quickly blurred lines with the FRIENDS marathon I was having and soon my life existed in this cute little purple apartment in a six story walk up in New York City.
I think (I know) I am getting ahead of myself, but lately I have been thinking of what it would be like to buy a house. A part of what I hate about apartment living, is with rent you aren't making an investment. Your money is just dissolving away, when you could be living somewhere and investing it at the same time. The way Real Estate prices are climbing, if I don't buy a house within the next few years, I will never be able to. There are these adorable houses in west redding (the really pretty downtown part) that were built in the twenties. How cool would it be to buy an old fixer and re-do it? And in this fantasy I have a lot of time for that. Never mind working 40 hours a week. Yesterday Natalie and I went to home depot and i was all drugged up on antibiotics and i got a bunch of paint samples. I have no idea what I will do with any of them, but it was fun.


At 12:36 AM, Blogger noah! said...

that sounds crazy!

At 11:28 AM, Blogger d. vanheule said...

nina, hey it's derek. i have been wanting to call you back but i don't have your new number so call me again ok?

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Allison said...

Hey Nina--Friends on dvd has gotten me through every single illness in the past year. Season 6 is the best when Ross plays the bagpipes, I don't care how crappy I feel it makes me laugh and smile. Hope you're feeling better!!!


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