Dienstag, Februar 22

music friends.

historyinvades came through last night. i miss my friends.
it was cool, mikey played bass with them, even though he has left the band. i love watching mikey play bass... he's phenomonal. i miss daniel so much, i got to spend minimal time with him before he moved... to my city. and harper. paul moved to seattle the same weekend i moved back to redding. there is this continuing mass exodus to seattle occuring, and within the next three months i can count at least 6 more friends who are planning on moving there. i moved back here so sad about leaving seattle but so excited about all the amazing people in redding, and now they are all moving there, and always asking me "why did you leave? just come back with us!"
this post is unimportant, just some venting.
i got their white vinyl from makebreak last night, and their new cd is coming out in june. it will be one to own.


At 10:11 PM, Blogger Allison said...

Thanks so much for dining with us this week at Lim's. Are you going to be there next week? I hope so! And P.S. you are awesome!


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