Donnerstag, Januar 27

new happenings.

so today i was "officially" promoted to be a manager.
yay me.
i am salaried. i have stock and a 401k. which is really weird.....
and i am an adult. i guess this means i will be sticking around redding.
put in my dues for up to a year and i will have my own store.

now what i really want to do is learn how to weld so i can keep building furniture. i love power tools... drills are great, but if i could weld stuff then i think i would be able to be more creative. half art, half function. probably less function.... i am not that good.

i came home and my horse was loose, so i got to chase him around my neighbors property, which was the first time i have run in a really long time.
i ran into charity gaschler today. (not gaschler anymore, but i don't know her new last name) she is married and pregnant and having a little girl. she looked great.
joel visited me at work which always makes me happy. so did my mom.
my stepdad showed me the tatoo he is getting in hebrew. qadesh.... it means sanctified one. but one slight variance with one tiny dash and it means male whore. so i hope the artist who does it is really careful.
friends are coming to visit soon.
lifes pretty good.


At 9:29 PM, Blogger noah! said...

right on sister. keep up the hard work. i'm proud of you.

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Matt Pool said...

thweet. congradulations! honestly, thats pretty big.

At 8:39 PM, Blogger tim said...

manager of the bucks. wow. urban reciever doesn't quite have the same ring, but hey. Charity, Ineed to get ahold of her, but no one knows how. please tell me you have some helpful info, or know someone who does. let me know lady. 714 943 8482, thats me.



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