Donnerstag, April 28

unsung hero.

last night was awesome.
amie and i drove down to sacramento to see johnny's band 'unsung hero' play. now i have friends named dan, greg and flanders. dan and greg are brothers and they are both super tall. they made me laugh. and i got a shirt, with an airplane on it. the show was really good, (you should come play redding) and then we got in some laughs at eppie's and i think i might have fallen asleep driving home (although we are safe). i love driving with amie. it goes by so fast, and we have so much fun and always good times. our goal is to take a drive down to southern california this summer and make the rounds. i finally got to give johnny his birthday presents too, and the best part was yesterday while i was at world market, i found one more thing i could give him. it is a pint of beer with a picture of a little demon gargoyle on the front and it is called "arrogant bastard ale." and it just made me laugh every time i looked at it (those who know johnny also know that he is the farthest thing from and arrogant bastard)
when we were driving, amie had a dream she was talking to daniel mayberry and he turned into a sandwich.
we were also talking about why people perceive things differently, and aside from the obvious of life's experience shaping your perceptions, it still seems that similar people from similar settings can still look at the world with completely different ideals. it is as if on the day you are born, you are handed a pair of glasses through which to see the world. "here, here is your perception. have fun." and through life, you meet people with similar glasses, and completely different glasses, and through them you can glimpse the world in a different light. and it is good.

Samstag, April 23


the velvet teen and the good life are playing in san francisco tonight.

last night i hung out with a bunch of friends at a comedy and music night fundraiser for simpson's brazil team. it was in the dining hall. it is so weird to be in there and not see familiar faces from what was my own college experience. johnny and i were talking yesterday and realized that this fall, it will be a full decade since we started high school. that makes me feel old.
i am really excited for summer, when people will be out of school and have more available time. except for joey. he finds it neccesary to be in class and work full time and i miss him because i never ever see him anymore. hi joey.

Montag, April 18

day after.

life is not as bad as that last post made it sound.
i just hate being taken off guard when it hurts.


Sonntag, April 17

one of those moments.

i have a lump in my throat. if i don't keep my eyes squeezed tight, tears will come pouring out. all the unexpected things i saw, all the things i never wanted to know.
this doesn't make any sense. i am tired of my efforts being futile. i am so tired of being treated like a doormat. i am so tired of selfish people. i am tired of secrets locked up in shoeboxes. i have no medium for which to let this all out. i want to scream at the top of my lungs. i don't want to be the only one hurt.

Freitag, April 15

its been two months already....

and i am still waiting for my tax return.

Donnerstag, April 14

my dad.

i love my dad. he makes me laugh so freaking hard because we both have the same altered sense of humor. today we were talking and he said "The most philosophical advice i can take from music is wham: guilty feet have got no rhythm. So, dwell on that for awhile."

my family are all going to see noah tomorrow. except me. i have to stay. and i am jealous.

Mittwoch, April 13

my attempt to revive my blog

i love this week.
i had coffee with the girls on sunday.
i actually really liked church. sometimes i go to church expecting it to suck.
worship on sunday night at refuge was awesome.
karley, i love you. i had so much fun talking to you on sunday.
karley, allison, the sass and i at lim's. nick, right side of the menu, right side.
my sister natalie and i are going to buy some sort of bungalo dwelling on the island of malta.
i love james chapter 5. it reminds me that i have a purpose.
do you ever feel that if we could only accept our identity as children of the King life would become simpler, as God intended it?
i am seriously considering looking into doing my dts again. i am getting ridiculously restless. i want to be serving God... somewhere with some purpose.
i am committed to playing guitar for a minimum of one hour a day every day.
life is pretty wonderful right now.
i miss all you friends.
noah, i can't wait for you to come home.