Freitag, Dezember 17


i haven't been updating because nothing exciting ever happens when you work seven days a week (unless you are rosie in which case you have hysterical stories of russian men in thongs... rosie i laughed so hard by the way) so all my entries would look like this:
"today i folded denim walls for 8 hours"
"today i got yelled at by crazy shoppers who wanted coffee NOW."

but instead today i got to hang out with noah schneider, which was such an awesome surprise. i was at lameass starbucks, and all of a sudden he comes bouncing through the doors (literally..... bouncing, those of you who know noah can visualize it i'm sure) because he is in town for a bit. noah is one of the most precious souls i have ever known, and he is so passionate and dedicated to his ministry. i love that he works for steiger... sometimes i wish i did too. if you haven't, read "dancing with skinheads", its amazing.
i was blessed by hanging out with noah, he definitely brought some awesome change to a monotonous day.


At 7:17 PM, Blogger noah! said...

is that the noah i met at the rainbow gathering? it's all coming together...

At 1:53 AM, Blogger nina said...


At 4:16 PM, Blogger JP said...

funky father noah... the hyper king of emo.

At 2:04 AM, Blogger nina said...

....and now he's even more amplified. he's in three different punk circus bands... and he plays the clairinet!!!


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