Samstag, Dezember 4


i hate stupid bank of america.
today was "grown up" day. i take my little grown up folder where i have carefully filed away all my bills and loan agreements and pending payments, and i go for coffee and sit and have moments of adult responsibility where i organize my chaos into neat little packages, awaiting arrival from bill collectors.
sadly, because of stupid bank of america, "grown up day" will be further postponed until tuesday. they stuck me with overdraft fees that were the fault of starbuck's direct deposit, not my fault and "not bank of america's fault" so they won't reverse it. so the big beautiful bonus i got yesterday has been stolen away into their greedy little hands. and the woman on the phone yelled at me. so i said "thank you for your help, i will be in to close my ten year account on tuesday." and slam slam slam slam the receiver. (i would have liked to slam it anyway).
i know my problems are petty. but i was so excited at getting a christmas bonus (!) and now it is gone.
stupid dumb power charged bank people and their stupid dumbass fees.
but hooray! at least i get to go work at the job i hate for the next 8 hours.


At 3:59 PM, Blogger noah! said...

stick it to the man. thats lame i probably would have played a jedi mind trick on the lady.

At 7:01 PM, Blogger rosie said...

nina, you're speaking my language, Union Bank of California "stuck it to me" about a month ago. It all perpetuates this nasty cycle to keep the poor poor and the rich rich. Like the bank really NEEDS that money. No. You needed that money. Anyways, I hear ya sister.

At 1:25 AM, Blogger nina said...

yeah rosie! i am going to start hiding my money in little tin boxes underneath my mattress and in holes that i dig in my backyard. seriously, i think it's safer.

At 6:15 PM, Blogger noah! said...

hey are you allowed to post comments on your own blog? is that a blogging foul? jusk keeeeding. you're crzizzle sister.


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