Dienstag, August 30

i work in a record store?

i went into work this morning and the first thing i did was purchase 'bob dylan live at the gaslight 1962. '

i have mixed feelings on this....

for one, it is odd to me that a corporation such as starbucks would own exclusive rights to great music such as this.

on the other hand i work for this corporation and therefore get the perks of having early access to exclusively owned music and discounts on purchasing the same. also, i believe that for the artists we carry i receive discounted prices on concert tickets. i wouldn't mind seeing dylan on a discount.

i feel conflicted. but either way the album is a serious ass kicker.

Samstag, August 20

distraction from cleaning.

When was the last time you went to the bathroom outside?
driving to the reno airport at about 230am two weeks ago.
When was the last time you saw one of your parents?
i saw my step-mom yesterday.
Which family member do you most resemble?
Do you wear cologne/perfume?
dkny be delicious. the bottle looks like a green apple... it is seriously yummy.
Do you wear deodorant?
you have to in redding summers.
Do you 'clean up nice'?
i don't really wear make-up, so when i do i look like a totally different person. so i don't know.
When was the last time you tripped and fell?
yesterday at work. i tend to hurt myself constantly. i am sure i will fall today too.... it just hasn'r happened yet.
Where was the last place you slept besides your home?
What are you listening to right now?
david bowie. heck yes.
Have you ever started an uncontrollable fire?
surprisingly, no. but when sara olsen and i lived together, we came awfully close on numerous occasions.
Ever run out of gas on the road?
oh man, you bet! in every car i have ever owned. i have never owned a car with a working gas gauge. i'm not even embarassed about running out of gas because its always been in a comically tragic situation (like the last time, i was on my way to go horseback riding and i had to walk to the gas station during 5oclock traffic wearing my little tight riding pants and converse. they looked like stupid stretch aerobics pants!)
Would you rather cut the grass or rake the leaves?
i'd rather jump in a pile of leaves and then not rake them up.
Your name spelled backwards:
anin ylicec lahtneslef. wow. thats about as easy to pronounce as my actual name.
What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
i am currently without my own computer. soon to change.
Last time you swam in a pool?
last week in mexico.
Have you ever been in a school play?
oh yes. musicals every spring.
How many kids do you want?
i am still working on responsibly taking care of animals, let alone children.
Type of music you dislike most?
fabricated copy cats who try to pass themselves off as original singer/ songwriters. i seriously do not like john mayer and jason mraz. gag me. put one some jeff buckley or bob dylan and eat your hearts out mr. mayer and mr. mraz.
Are you registered to vote? in seattle.
Do you have cable? no way. i don't even have normal channels (which i actually wish i did so i can watch the news.)
Ever prank call anybody? i prank called johnny at starbucks with a ridiculous order one time. it totally stressed him out. it was so so funny!
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? i ohmost went bungee jumping, but it was closed due to high winds. i don't think i would now, though.
Do you have a garden? i have a plant named leif that has been with me through huntington, seattle, and now redding. i don't know how he is still alive.
What's your favorite comic strip? get fuzzy. hiLARious!
Bath or Shower, morning or night?shower every other dayish.
Best movie you've seen in the past month?
we watched 'what's eating gilbert grape?' the other night. i'd forgotten how much i love that movie.
Chips or popcorn?
we have a drawer in our kitchen dedicated to popcorn. but i really like the sweet onion hawaiian kettle chips too!
What color lipstick do you usually wear?
i wear chapstick. but my sister bought me dior lipgloss in paris, and i LOVE that.
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?
is that like when you're a kid and people say you can smoke banana peels?
Orange Juice or apple?
orange juice. pulpy.
Favorite type of chocolate bar?
When was the last time you voted at the polls?
in seattle.
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
i used homegrown tomatos to make bruschetta two weeks ago. so so good.
Are you a good cook?
when i am patient enough. i am all about instant gratification, so i eat out alot.
Ever order anything from an infomercial?
Sprite or 7-Up?
i don't drink soda. the closest i can come is calistoga mineral water, or ginger ale if i am sick.
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work?
i work at starbucks in my green apron and lemming suit. so yes.
Ever thrown up in public?
oh yes. last week while i was in mexcio (i know that answer seems to keep appearing) i threw up in a planter outside of a restaurant.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
that's lust. ( i am keeping lindsey's answer.)
Can ex's be friends?
so rarely. i know of one ex couple who are very succesful at the friendship, but thats about it.
Who was the last person you visited in a hospital?
jamie hartley, having a babay.
Did you have a lot of hair as a baby?
none. my dad used to dress me in a dodger's uniform onesie and people would think i was a little boy. he called me "ike."
What message is on your answering machine?
i think it still says i am out of the country actually.
What do you think about most?
work. shoes. music. coffee. sleep. and the fact that i don't have enough time to think about what i really want to think about, like what i would really rather be doing with life.
Favorite form of travel?
i don't enjoy flying (becca) but i do like the convenience of it.
Ever drink rotten milk?
i don't even drink milk. the idea is wretched to me.

if you have to clean your apartment....

and you are doing so because no one else is....
buy yourself a new lime olive green vaccum (i am so in love with it)
put on david bowie
and sing "changes" at the top of your lungs.
this makes the experience much more enjoyable.

Dienstag, August 16

but at least the beer was good.

so mexico was awesome except for the fact that i accidentally ate fish.
[fyi i am terrifically allergic to most all fish and seafood].
this started a snowball of unfortunate events that left me violently ill for two days. but at least when you think you are dying you can lay by the pool and do nothing because that takes little to no effort.
i HATE fish. hate it.

Samstag, August 6


top five things to do in mexico.

1. lay on the beach.
2. drink. alot. with the whole family.
3. shop the silversmiths.
4. snorkel waverunner type stuff.
5. eat at the divey little roadside stands.

i love not being in america!