Dienstag, Dezember 21


i got a phone call waking me up this morning at 10am. it was work, telling me "you have an interview today at 1pm." what? "you are interviewing with the district manager to become a manager."
okay does anyone else think that was super short notice? so i went (without a cover letter, resume, reference letters or ANYTHING remotely important) and had my interview. I think it actually went very well. I led a coffee tasting which was awesome (derek) and then just answered a million questions. I already went through all of this when i was living in seattle, but the questions were so different, i was caught off guard with each one. so hopefully, by next week i will be promoted.
wow i am becoming a grown up. its weird. but its nice to have an income that pays off the student loans.
on a better note, becca banghart is here (!!!) which is wonderful. nothing better than having your best friend with you. manor party tomorrow night.
also, i am planning on visiting becca next month, so while in LA i am going to try and make the so-cal rounds and want to see everyone!
everyone keeps taking about snowboarding. i haven't been since my car accident, so this winter i'll be on the mountain. i probably suck now, its been so long.
other than that. i worked all day.


At 6:13 PM, Blogger Matt Pool said...

congrats manager nina! hey tell becca that amber and i say hi, and merry christmas. the last time i really spent time with her was at jon brion, and speaking of jon brion, we should go when your in l.a. all of everyone should go, and we'll call ahead and get tables. it's one of the best times ever. so is snowboarding, so we should do that too.

At 1:47 AM, Blogger nina said...

matt that is a fabulous idea! when i do come down, becca and i have already planned to trip up to big bear (tell amber we plan on kidnapping her for some girl time:) and dinner and drinking and snowboarding with friends sounds so great. i wish it could just happen everyday.


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