Freitag, Juni 9

new beginnings

my little sister natalie graduated high school last night.
except she is not my little sister anymore. She is a completely grown up version of her child-like self. Now with new starts, new beginnings. She is moving to France for a year, and I am so excited and yet it breaks my heart because I will miss her so much. My sister... with the same quirkiness, love for coffee and penchant for shoes as me.
I can't wait to visit her.
it was so strange to step onto my high school campus. I don't think I have been there since my own graduation, 7 years ago. Even when Noah and Graham graduated high school, I just went straight to the ceremony on the football field, not anywhere near the main buildings.
Why is it that my future seemed so much clearer when I was in high school? you go to college, get a job, get married have kids and live your life.

I went to college....

I think I like it better this way, no plans no ideas. But I sure could use a new beginning for myself.


At 6:37 PM, Blogger Matt Pool said...

"you go to college, get a job, get married, have kids, and live your life.

I went to college...."

I think that's pretty good Nina, considering the fact that,

I went to...?

At 4:38 PM, Blogger nina said...

yes, but you got married.

i think that's a tie.


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