Dienstag, Mai 9


after 2 delayed flights and much quality time spent in airport terminals....
i finally made it down to la.
and watched noah graduate from college.

i am so grateful for the amazing family i have. because i have a LOT of family. and both sides of my family (4 parents, 3 sisters, 5 brothers) can all be in the same room and be joyful. and that says a lot about the characters of each person. i may have two families, but i really have one giant family.
i had so much fun, amazing fun with my whole family, as short as the time was, it was cherished. watching graham go back to humboldt was hard, because as happy as i am for him, i am selfish and want my whole family to be together. hilary moved home, noah comes home tomorrow.... i just need to get nick and graham back to redding and i'd be set. but it would be selfish.

i missed everyone i did not see, but unforeseen circumstances do come up, and is understood.
and there will always be more opportunities.


At 9:06 AM, Blogger rebecca said...

damn it! I miss you! june?


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