Mittwoch, Mai 10

i am the energy train....

and you're about to get on board.

i started running. i found it is a healthy medium for which to exert and exhaust aggressive feelings.... much healthier than the alternatives of say drinking or smoking.
plus i need energy. and i need to get in shape. (i know i am tiny. tiny does not equal in shape.)

once, becca made me try pilates while she was living in fullerton. i did it for about 8 minutes, and then sat on the couch with jeremy eating chocolate while we watched becca continue her 45 minute workout. i bought a yoga tape in december, i've used it all of 3 times. i am not good at excersizing, or discipline. so noah (who comes home in ONE HOUR) is going to run with me this summer and turn me into a running machine. apparently i told him i would run the la marathon with him next year. my selective memory is trying really hard to recall that, without luck.

i bought new running shorts thinking maybe this would make me feel like a cool real runner. so now i will run just to wear my running shorts. seriously. i need inspiration wherever i can take it.