Montag, Mai 23

working at a coffee shop.

any day you get to wear red rubber galoshes to work is going to be a good day.

Donnerstag, Mai 12

russia is cold, so you'll probably want to take a jacket.

i am starting to feel like i don't do much unless it is on a day off. i think it is because i live so freaking far out of town, it seems like a huge deal to just drive in to do something unless it is already planned. but i will be moving in to town soon. the sucky thing is this is my favorite part of year to live in the house i am currently in: it is "the house with the good diving board" (for peter and david), i can ride every day, and it is super peaceful. plus, at night you can see every single star in the sky. but i miss being near friends.

i bought an amazing painting from amie this week! she is seriously the best artist i have ever known in real life. i don't want her to move yet. i want her to stay. i want to be selfish and keep her. i don't want one more close friend living far away (becca!! i miss you.)

i am listening to the talking heads. (for joey).

i got off work early and thought i would go work out. i thought "yeah, maybe i'll try to get some muscles or something" but instead i went to in n out and had extra sides of spread with my fries.

i feel very blessed. i know noah already said it, but there is so much comfort in kowing that God is consistent, even in the chaos of our ever changing lives. that's amazing. and that's what keeps me going.

Dienstag, Mai 3

moving. soon.

oh yes.
i have a new apartment.
i am moving in with the girls, next door to joey and peter and ron.
welcome beautiful sunsets over west redding, and friends next door! i think it will be difficult to remove me from the porch.
i can't wait until summer is officially here. i love redding in the summertime.