Donnerstag, Juli 21

what do you do when you're bored? surveys.

How tall are you? 5'6"
Do you own a gun? i own a hammer....
Rehab? nope. debauchery.
Have you ever killed an animal? i hit a bunny when i as driving home late one night in high school. i totally missed curfew too, but i was crying so hard because i felt so bad that i didn't get in trouble.
Are you Irish? no. i'm german jewish. i'm conflicted.
What do you think of hot dogs? i don't think about them. then they are easier to eat.
What's your favorite Christmas song? bright eyes cover of blue christmas.
What is your favorite smell? post rain.
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? coffee. lots.
Do you do pushups? no.
Have you been shot? yeah, from back in my gang days.
Have you ever been hospitalized? yes. i was picked up by an ambulance on new years eve my sophomore year of high school for having a seizure due to a severe concussion to the head. at church. of all places.
whats your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? apparently guys like standoffish girls.
Do you own a knife? yes. it is how i cut my avacados.
Do you have ADD? there are times when i am convinced.
Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? i panic at the sight of needles.
Name five drinks you have regularly: all things coffee, water, orange juice, newcastle brown and mojitos.
What's in your CD player? spoon, gimme fiction. but i am in my brother's room right now listening to sufjan while jake smiles is asleep on his bed.
What's under your bed? my guitar case and art portfolio.
What time did you wake up today? 4 in the effing am.
Current haircut? the "it's growing out long" shag with funky bangs i cut on impulse.
What are you wearing? diesel zinks, a yellow polka dot shirt and a vintage 3/4 length sleeve cardigan with rhinestones on it.
Current worry? that i'm rushing things.
Current love? um.
Current hate? customers on their effing cell phones.
Favorite place to be? diestlehorst bridge. at midnight.
Least favorite place? my hotter than hell apartment.
If you could play any instrument? my arhu.
Favorite colors? lime olivey green and muted orange. i don't know how to describe colors.....
One person from the past you wish you could be with? arian solberg.
Where would you like to go? the small village of Felsenthal in Germany, where all my ancestors descend from.
Where do you want to live? 1. england. 2. China. 3. near my friends and family, which is probably not ever going to be international, unfortunately.
Favorite food? pad thai and popsicles. the real fruit kind by dreyers. yum.
Color of most clothes you own? my closet looks like a crayola factory threw up in there. so does my apartment. but i own a lot of black.
Number of pillows you sleep with? 4 to 6ish.
What were you doing at 12AM last night? hating that i scheduled myself to open at 5am.
What do you think you will be doing in ten years? i better be married by then. and me and my husband can launch a (small) label, and we can just travel all the time.
Are you paranoid? sometimes. if you know me then you think my paranoias are funny.
Do you burn or tan? tanish. some burning will occurr.
First piercing/tattoo? ears. but now i only have my traigus' pierced.
Last person you yelled at? when i left my apartment, i yelled "como estas bitches" to my roommates. does that count?
Latest crush? um.
Last thing you ate? a popsicle and potstickers. seriously, i LOVE popsicles.
If you could be a pirate, would you? hell yeah i'm a pirate.
What songs do you sing in the shower? whatever i put in my cd player.
What's in your pockets right now? nothing.
What color are your bedroom walls? white. i live at the manor. judy would have a coniption if i painted my room. but... she may be too drunk to notice.
Last thing that made you laugh? tickling theo.
Best bed sheets you had as a child? i had the same flowery sheets for close to a decade.
Pets? okay. beauregard jackson- anglo arab horse. cherrubino- welsh horse. ezekiel and lazarus- great danes. quesadilla, pumpkin, and julius- cats. and sophie my precious little kitten that i rescued. i think that's all.... my dad's house is like a refuge halfway house for stray animals, so its always changing.
Have you ever won any awards? yes. i was an involved child.
How many T.V.s do you have in your house? one, but the only thing that works is the dvd player. we don't even get normal channels.
Who do you tell your dreams to? whoever is in them or would find them the most funny.
If you could make out with one person who would it be? um. and jason lee probably. or clifford our hot friend from liverpool (for amie).
What do you think of the person who posted this before you? matt will forever be associated with johnny's in huntington. kick ass memories.


At 10:26 PM, Blogger Matt Pool said...

oh man good stuff. i was reminded of a day while i lived in redding where judy and i just got shit faced together by the pool. she is out of her gord!

At 12:36 AM, Blogger Jake said...

thanks for writing me in, but my last name is spelled was nice meeting you this weekend and i'm sure i will see you at least 3 more times before i am an old man.


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