Freitag, Juli 8

14 hour work day and one arrest.

i am so disturbed by the obliviousness this country (or at least this town) has to international events. not a single one of my customers today had any idea of the devestation that hit London yesterday. No matter that it is smeared across the headlines of today's papers; everyone seems to be aware that they are hosting the 2012 olympics, while so few are aware that they are suffering through tragedy.

wednesday i worked for 14 hours. I was at Starbucks from 10am to midnight: my opener had carpal tunnel and had to go to the doctor's, while my mid day supervisor was really sick. no one would come in, so I got to work all day long. at one point, since i was suppossed to be two people, I came very close to being alone in the store, because nobody could stay and work. so i called in two brand new people that i just hired, so that i had bodies in the store so i could at least keep the store open.

Then, right at close, the police came and arrested a guy who was threatening me and my store! (derek probably knows who he is from working at starbucks in redding.... his name is Thomas and he walks with a limp and talks like he has just suffered a stroke and he used to go to the celebration and the stirring and he likes to hit on really young girls and he is just overall creepy). It is a really long story, but he was drunk, he is crazy, and called me a liar and a bitch and said "I'm going to get you nina, i am going to get YOU!" and it was so freaky, and peter, lauren, david and scott harvey were there and the store was totally packed and it was dead silent as the cops came in and cuffed him. Now, I have to file reports because they (the Police and our partner asset and protection person) want him permanently banned from all starbucks in redding.

AND, he has come back in the last two mornings to find me and as soon as the police get here, he has just split. it makes me so effing mad, and i don't know why he has it out for me, and he keeps coming back and leering, as if to say "you can't make me do anything."

exciting, isn't it. it makes me want to swear and throw things.


At 8:17 AM, Blogger noah! said...

i guess that's one of those times when it's not cool to be on salary. i know that thomas guy - he always used to try to give me hugs.

At 1:17 PM, Blogger nina said...

lucky for me i am salaried and non exempt, which means i get paid fat overtime. 8 hours regular, 4 hours time and a half and two hours of double time. i am really looking forward to this paycheck. noah, if he ever tries to hug you, punch him in the face.

At 7:53 PM, Blogger Matt Pool said...

man thats out of control. i'm sorry but i had to laugh at the way you described him saying, "i'm going to get YOU!" that mental picture is to good. but man thats still frickin scary as all get out.
hey thank you for the starbucks advice, it gave me confidence in trying to figure out what to do.


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